The Village of Eagle. The Village of Eagle is a small community in Upper Eagle Creek Valley and was a favorite homesteading site during the second half of the 1800s.The remote, but accessible, village welcomes visitors to enjoy the country lifestyle in keeping with the residents of the many ranchesContinue Reading

At the north end of Greenlee County, about 70 miles along US 191 from the Clifton-Morenci area, lies Hannagan Meadow. It is a large open meadow at 9,071 feet surrounded by alpine forest. It was likely named after a Nevada rancher and miner named Robert Hannagan who was riding inContinue Reading

The area of Apache Grove is located about halfway between Duncan and Clifton on AZ Highway 75 near MP 392. The historic monument near the Apache Grove Bar tells of conflict between the Anglos and the Apaches. This quaint farming valley is home to wildlife and tranquil grazing cattle andContinue Reading

The Morenci Mine is the largest open-pit copper mining operation in North America today and operated by Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold, Inc. The first mines here were underground operations in an area known as Metcalf starting in 1872. By 1937 the high-grade ore was depleted and open-pit mining processes beganContinue Reading

About halfway between Safford, Arizona and Lordsburg, NM on US Highway 70, “The Old West Highway”, is Duncan, Arizona. Situated along the banks of the Gila River and nestled amongst fields of cotton, corn, chiles, and cattle ranches, Duncan evokes memories of small-town America. Yet, in its midst, one findsContinue Reading

Clifton, the Greenlee County Seat, is a blend of historical homes and modern residences perched within the canyon of the meandering San Francisco River. Due to this geography, Clifton is laid out in a linear fashion and has three distinct neighborhoods — South Clifton, East Clifton, and Chase Creek. (NorthContinue Reading

that the Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and the Conquistadors likely followed the Gila and San Francisco Rivers through the Clifton area in his search for the Seven Cities of Cibola? that the Apache Chief Geronimo was born in the vicinity of Clifton, AZ (near the confluence of EagleContinue Reading

The Famous Artists of Greenlee County Hart Haller “Hal” Empie grew-up in the Arizona Territory. He began his livelihood as a pharmacist, purchasing the Duncan Drug Store in 1937. He eventually renamed the store Art Gallery Drug. It remained in operation until 1986. Empie Kartoon-Kards are one of the firstContinue Reading

Dining Restaurants in Greenlee County are generally family-owned enterprises and most fall under the category of “Diners”. These homey establishments are friendly and you will find their menus list Mexican and American fare. Here you will find some the tastiest Mexican food dishes anywhere. But if that’s not your thing,Continue Reading