The Village of Eagle. The Village of Eagle is a small community in Upper Eagle Creek Valley and was a favorite homesteading site during the second half of the 1800s.The remote, but accessible, village welcomes visitors to enjoy the country lifestyle in keeping with the residents of the many ranches along the banks of Eagle Creek. Upper Eagle Creek was the inspiration for many of the paintings of western artist Tim Cox. The beauty of this area cannot be adequately depicted in words or photos so you must see it for yourself. As one might expect, not only is there a large variety of wildlife here that one may enjoy, but opportunities for hiking, camping, hunting, and horseback trail riding are abundant. Take either Lower Eagle Creek Road off of US 191 (The Coronado Trail) near MP 172 and travel 15 miles on FR 217, or Upper Eagle Creek Road at MP 188.
Sprucedale. Sprucedale is located in the far northwest portion of Greenlee County not far from the Black River. Depart US 191 onto FR 24 just south of Hannagan Meadow. Travel FR 24 to FR 565 and then to Sprucedale.
The Village of Blue. The Village of Blue is a sparse community in the Blue River Valley located in the far northeast portion of Greenlee County. It has the smallest and most remote school in the Greenlee County School District. Use FR 567 (Red Hill Road) from US 191 and travel 12 miles, or Blue River Road (FR 281) from US 180 just east of Alpine (across from Luna Lake and marked as Apache County 2104).