Hike forests, river valleys, wilderness mountains, and desert terrains! Maybe all in one day! And … you may be alone on the trail.

Entering Greenlee County via US 70 brings you near Ash Peak. Ash Peak itself is split in half and shared between Arizona’s Greenlee and Graham Counties. Ash Peak’s highest point is 5,585 feet in elevation. This peak hike can be a glorious challenge. Ash Peak 4WD Jeep Trail, located on the south side of the peak, is a faster way to the top of the peak. Ash Peak’s trailhead entrance is located just east of the peak on historic Old West Highway (US 70). Head south on the well traveled Hackberry Road, a dirt road accessed at MP 372. The summit will treat you to spectacular views south of Whitlock Valley, Duncan to the east, and well past the Arizona/New Mexico state line. Indian Rocks Area is a destination easily reached just east of Ash Peak and the county line on Hackberry Road. Head south off of historical Old West Highway (US 70) at MP 372.
Carlisle Mining District Area – Outdoor recreational activities are abundant in this area. Hikers and explorers alike can experience trails off the well-beaten path along the Peloncillo and Summit Mountain Ranges. Rock climbing the summit of Steeple Rock, with a peak height of 6,259 feet, is one of the many hiking challenges of the area and should only be attempted by experienced climbers. Springs and running creeks are not as easily found as those near river valleys, bring plenty of water for your entire expedition party — including your four-legged companions.

Oroville and Evans Point. Oroville is located 3 miles north of Clifton and was settled on the banks of the San Francisco River. Birthplace of Freddie Fritz Jr. in 1895, who served as president of the Arizona Cattlemen’s Association, and for 14 years in the Arizona Legislature. He was the only person to have served as Senate President and Speaker of the House. His father was one of the first ranchers to bring cattle to the Blue River country. Orville attracted attention with its benches of placers bearing gold in layers of thin pay streaks in channels at or near bedrock along the course of the river. The Bokares placer, four miles north of Clifton at Evans Point was also actively mined. Today, though the many floods of the river have not left much to tell the history of Oroville and Evans Point, this area is a wonderful mecca for explorers to enjoy hiking, rockhounding and activities the bountiful river canyon lands provide. Oroville and Evans Point can be accessed by way of traveling Frisco Avenue and crossing the river at the Polly Rosenbaum Bridge, continue north on San Francisco River Road.
Featured Trails
Clifton’s Nature and Exercise Trails are a unique intertwined combination of light hiking trails. Sitting accommodations all along this featured trail allow a “notso-ready for a hike — more a stroll” along the San Francisco River keeps any age birder at ease. This trailhead, located in front of the veterans park, features a kiosk filled with birding information guides for all of Greenlee County. Clifton’s unique setting in a canyon surrounding the year-round river provides prime habitat for a wide variety of birds, such as northern cardinals and red-tailed hawks to cliff wrens and great blue herons. Seeing a diversity of our feathered friends is better than ever with the beautiful and easy-to-access series of nature trails of Greenlee Birding. Check out the kiosk or visit greenleebirding.com website for maps, brochures and a list of what you can expect to see when you head out on the trails. When it comes to birding, Greenlee is the place to be.
Access to trail #84 with its junction to trail #311 can be reached by hiking northeast up Limestone Gulch after crossing the San Francisco River near the north end of Frisco Avenue in Clifton. Alternate access can be reached in connection with FR 512A junction with FR 512 traveling northeast from the community of Loma Linda.
Pleasant Valley Trail #84 – The Pleasant Valley Trail is rated a difficult fourteen mile trail beginning in the canyon of Limestone Gulch. During your first mile of exploration, on the right side, an old rock smelter ruin can be seen.
Hickey Springs Trail #311 – This 10.9 mile trail is a difficult trail to navigate from the San Francisco River to Hickey Springs and is of moderate difficulty from Hickey Springs to the Forest boundary.
Along the Coronado Trail –
Please help everyone preserve our public lands and practice such etiquette as pack-it-in/pack-it-out. Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest lands are used for agricultural purposes as well as being recreational public lands. Please leave ranchers’ gates as you found them; if a gate is open leave it open and if closed leave it closed. Greenlee County is home to many caves and abandoned mining facilities, please do not enter any and be aware of unmarked mine shafts and venting systems at ground level. Carry plenty of water, and treat any water you find before drinking from any of our waterways. CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE U. S. FOREST SERVICE DISTRICT OFFICE BEFORE HIKING THESE TRAILS. Information Centers: Clifton Ranger District (928) 687-8600, Alpine Ranger District (928) 339-5000. Visit www.fs.usda.gov/asnf/ for up-to-date information regarding Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest’s abundant recreational attractions.
Painted Bluff Trail #13. Head west toward the lower portion of Eagle Creek to view such attractions as ancient petroglyphs located on Painted Bluffs and abandoned mines and springs throughout the journey. Rockhounding opportunities for minerals such as pyrite can also be explored along the Coronado Mountain Ridge. Enjoy hiking, biking, or horseback riding along this trail. Trailhead located on the west side of the Coronado Trail (US 191), MP 177.
Big Tree Trail #314. Here is an opportunity to see one of the largest Arizona cypress trees in North America. It is 97 feet high with a circumference of 18 inches, a crown spread of 41 feet — gaining a listing on the National Register of Big Trees. Over 400 years old, this tree is best viewed March through December. Trailhead is located on the west side of highway across from Sardine Saddle Picnic Area
Spur Cross Trail #8 Rock Formations & Old Homestead. This trail is located above Granville on the east-side of Coronado Trail (US 191) after MP 179.
Pigeon Loop Trailhead #301 Connection to Sardine Saddle, HL Saddle and Pigeon Creek. Trailhead located in the north side of Granville
Pinal Trail #713, Fry Trail #2, Cave Creek Trail #10, Sardine Falls Trail #304 Creeks, Springs and Sardine Falls. Trailhead located in the north side of Granville after cabins. Southbound on #713 and #12, eastbound on #10 and #304. Travel around an area of private property at X A Spring at the end of #10 to reconnect with creek and continue on #304 to Sardine Falls.
Horse Canyon Trail #36, Horse Canyon Cabin, Maple Peak and Charlie Moore Mountain. Trailhead located on the Blue River about 3 miles upstream from XXX Ranch heading eastbound to Horse Canyon. 15 miles on FR 475 to Northbound FR 475C.
Hannah Hot Springs is a hiking only trail, with few directional signs, that stays within the Blue River corridor. The southern portion of this trail, with its frequent river crossings, brings you first to Baseline Corral (camping is not recommended due to “widow-makers” from surrounding cottonwood trees). The mouth of Little Blue Creek is about one-mile upstream of the corral on the east side of the river. Following the Little Blue Creek (Trail #541) from its river connection brings travelers to Hannah Springs Canyon (approximately 2.5 – 3 miles up Little Blue on the east side of the canyon). During the next mile be prepared to wade through waist deep and smaller pools of water to reach Hannah Hot Springs. This area offers two campsites, one on each side of the creek. Hot springs from the ground above delivers 133°F water into a long, shallow pool below. Little Blue Box and White Rocks Cabin are further North from the Hot Springs for additional sightseeing.
Wild Bunch Trail #7 Wild Bunch Corrals, Morris Day Gap & Snare Canyon. Junctions with Horse Canyon Trail #36. Head to trailhead by continuing on Juan Miller Road (FR 475) (past FR 475C) to the Blue River. Adventures may choose to park here and continue by way of hiking, biking, horseback riding, or OHV/4WD vehicles are recommended otherwise.
AD Bar Trail #14. Historical Ranch Site, VT Cabin, HU Bar Cabin and Blue River. Limited trailhead parking for horse trailers on the west side of the highway. Trailhead, including trail-corral, is located on the east side of US 191 around MP 203.
Red Mtn. Fire International Look Out gives you an eastern view into the Blue Range Primitive Area. More information is found on the nearby fire information boards. Located on US 191 at MP 201.
Rose Peak LO Road (FR 501). Southeast off of US 191 in between MP 207 & 208. Rose Peak Lookout Tower, Rose Peak Picnic Area and Trailhead has long served the Forest Service to spot and monitor fires at an elevation of 8,700 feet. If manned during the fire season, visitors may be invited to a glass-enclosed tower room for a stunning view of the mountains.
Red Mountain Trail #25. Summertime Ladybugs and Red Mountain. Junction with trail #32 and trail ends 7 miles to the 8,000 feet peak of Red Mountain. Trailhead is located about a mile south of the picnic area.
Strayhorse Canyon Trail #20. Popular Route to Blue Range PA & River, Fillman Cabin. Junction with Hagen Trail #31, Lengthy Trail #89 to end of trail at Blue River #101. Trailhead is located about a mile north of the picnic area.
Hot Air Trail #15. Hike Along the Ridge of Hot Air Mesa. Connects to trails #27, #16, #91 to terminus at #33. Trail heads north along the highway then a northwest direction. Trailhead is located east across the US 191 from Rose Peak Picnic Area.
Sheep Saddle Picnic Site and Trailhead to Trail #16. Westward hike to Hot Air Trail #15. Located on the east side of US 191 at MP 211.
Hiking Trail #16 Trailhead. Connecting trail used by hunters connecting Hot Air Trail #15 and Hot Air Spur Trail #91. Trailhead located on the west side of the Coronado Trail (US 191).
Hagen Corral Trail #31. Wonderful Riding Trail to MJ Bar Corral at Strayhorse Canyon. Trailhead is located south of the Hagen RV Pullout on US 191.
Lengthy Trail #89. Strayhorse Creek & Blue Range Primitive Area. Connects with Strayhorse Canyon Trail #20. Heads eastbound off the highway and its trailhead parking located just north at FR 587 turnoff on the west side of US 191.
Chitty Trail #37. Leads trekkers to Chitty Falls just south of its junction with Trail #47 and ends at bubbling spring. The perennial waters of the creek ensure views of many birds and wildlife making this one cool trail located within Chitty Creek Canyon. Hike or horseback ride during spring through fall and experience the bright seasonal color changes. Accessed by traveling other backcountry trails such as Salthouse Trail #18 (south end) and Highline Trail #47 (north end). Chitty Trail is 5.2 miles long and is rated difficult.
Blue Lookout Trails #18 Trailhead (FR 184) is a trail system that brings travelers to the Blue Peak Lookout Tower and provides access to one of the Blue Range’s better known wild west landmarks. Utilizing these three trails makes a wonderful day hike loop that can be enjoyed spring through fall by hikers and horseback riders alike. Blue Peak is also Greenlee County’s Highpoint with a peak height of 9,355 feet.
Raspberry Trail #35. Numerous Songbirds, Wild Turkeys and Big Game Animals. Connecting trails include:
McBride Mesa Trail #26 which travels to the Blue River within the Blue Range Primitive Area (Mountain bikes and motorized vehicles are not permitted). Located on the east side of Strayhorse Campground.
Highline Trail #47. Pleasant Hike/Bike/Ride Trail. This trail ends at the junction of the Rim Trail #309 and accesses the following trails: Crabtree Trail #22, Salt House Trail #18, Chitty Creek Trail #37, McBride Mesa Trail #26, Squirrel Canyon Trail #34, Warren Canyon Trail #48, and Dry Prong Trail #45. Located on the west side of US 191 at the north end of Strayhorse Campground.
Crabtree Trail #22. Popular for Wildlife near Walnut Tank From Strayhorse Campground, hike/bike/ride trail #47 to connect near Crabtree Park with #22 traveling southbound alongside Crabtree Creek and many springs.
Blue Lookout Trail #71, McKittrick Trail #72 and Blue Cabin Ruins Trail #321 passes the remains of an early 1900’s renegade bank robber’s cabin hideout located in the Blue Range PA. In 1921 McNary Bank was robbed and the alleged bank robber fled using this cabin as a hideout. The man was apprehended at the cabin by the sheriff’s posse and shot during the gunfight. The Blue Cabin housed the forest rangers who manned the Blue Peak Lookout Tower. Forest Road 184 is located on the east side of the highway across from the Blue Lookout Trails #18 signage. Traveling northbound on US 191, head east at FR 184 junction just past MP 225 and the Blue Vista Overlook Picnic Site. Trailhead and parking at the end after a 6.5 mile trip east on FR 184.
From Rim Trails Road (FR 54D), Northeast Trailhead. West off the Coronado Trail (US 191) at MP 226.
McBride Mesa Trail #26. Ridge to Dry Prong Canyon. Take Highway 191 north of Clifton for 68 miles to Forest Road 54. From Alpine, take Highway 191 south 29 miles to Forest Road 54. Take FR 54 west 5 miles to the signed junction with FR 54D and drive 1/4 mile to the trailhead. Follow FR 54D until Trail #34 leaves the road.
Upper Squirrel Trailhead and Squirrel Trail #34. Saunders Cabin & North Baldy Bill Point Part of the Rim Trails Forest Road 54. Take FR 54 west 5 miles to the signed junction with FR 54D and drive 1/4 mile south to the trailhead.
South Bear Wallow Wilderness Area. FR 54 West off the Coronado Trail (US 191) at MP 226.
Rose Spring Trail #309. Rim Trail Panoramic Views Overlooking Eagle Creek, Rose Peak and Maple Mountain.
Schell Canyon Trail #316. Rugged Canyon, Native Trout Fishing and Picturesque Campsites. Heading west on FR 54 at fork in the road. Proceed through the gate along the right fork about 0.6 mile to the end of the road at the Rose Springs Trailhead. Rose Spring Trail begins 20 yards below the parking area at a signed gate in the fence. Follow this trail about 3 miles to the junction marked by a sign where Schell Canyon Trail branches off to the north. Schell Canyon Trail is also accessible from Bear Wallow Trail at the bottom of Bear Wallow Canyon. Campers along that stream use the trail for a scenic day hike to the Mogollon Rim and back.
Bear Wallow Trailhead (#63). West off US 191 in between MP 226 & 227. Anglers Frequent this Area – Bear and Human Alike! Neither hide nor hair of either of these types of anglers will be seen often, if so they are usually only seen from a distance. Native Apache trout were re-established in Bear Wallow Creek in the early to mid 1990’s. This trail follows the Bear Wallow Creek riparian area, dropping to the creek’s meadow confluence with the Black River. Fence line marks San Carlos Apache Reservation boundary. Permit required to continue onto the reservation. Trailhead on Reno Road (FR 25), across from Double Cienega. Trailhead parking area are located on the south side of FR 25.
FR 25 junctions with the following trails:
Reno Trail #62. Popular Stream Side Trail with Native Trout Fishing. Connecting trails of Bear Wallow Trail #63, Gobbler Point Trail #59, Rose Spring Trail #309, Schell Canyon Trail #316. For loop hike in conjunction with trail #63 take the footpath trail, not the old logging road, to the south for less then 2 miles to junction with Bear Wallow Trail #63 on the canyon floor. Reno Trailhead is located westbound on FR 25 across from Reno Lookout road. Northbound on US 191 turn west on Reno Road (FR 25). Follow FR 25 approximately 5 miles to the trailhead.
Gobbler Point Trail #59. The steepest trail and shortest route for Apache Trout fishing connecting to Bear Wallow Trail #63. Coronado Trail (US 191) brings you to FR 25, head west to Gobbler Point Road (FR 8154) on the south side of the road. Keep left at the fork and right at the second fork. Drive 3 miles to the trailhead.
KP Trail #70. Alpine Meadow into Scenic Canyon to Panoramic Views of Blue Range. From the Coronado Trail (US 191) take the KP Cienega Campground Road (FR 55) and follow 1.3 miles to trailhead. Connects to other Blue Range trails of:
North Fork KP Trail #93. Two waterfalls are directly downstream.
Blue Lookout Trail #71. Unsurpassed Panoramas, touch of Wild “Hideout” History and access into large canyons.
McKittrick Trail #72. Base of Blue Mountain Peak, its Look Out Tower, Views of Sawed Off Mountain.
#93 & #315 North Fork/KP Rim Trails Trailhead, located east of Coronado Trail (US 191), in between MP 229 & 230, offers secondary access to other trails within the Blue Range Primitive Area. These hiking and horseback riding trails boast cooler temperatures due to the confluence of the south and north forks of KP Creek. No mechanized vehicles (including mountain bikes) are permitted in the Blue Range Primitive Area. This trailhead site offers restroom facilities and parking.
North Fork KP Trail #93 follows an old logging road for the first 0.7 miles and switchbacks down to travel creek side. Contouring around a tributary coming in from the north shortly then joins with KP Trail #70 and the confluence of the north fork and south fork of KP Creek. Marked by steep, rocky outcrops and a couple of ten foot waterfalls, it becomes clear why this is one of the most scenic areas in the Blue Range Primitive Area. Diverse vegetation and accessible moisture in this canyon attract a variety of colorful songbirds. Remember to pack a picnic lunch along with your camera and bird book, though this trail is only 2.4 mile short trip, you’ll want to spend some time here.
KP Rim Trail #315. Short Connecting Trail with Views of KP Canyon.
Steeple/Foote Creek Road (FR 29A) Trailhead. East off Coronado Trail (US 191) at MP 231. Steeple Mesa Trail #73. Highlight is Grassy Meadows Called Cienegas. Access to a large number of (direct or indirect) trails covering the northwestern portion of the Blue Range Primitive Area. Off US 191 head east on FR 29A to the Steeple/Foote Creek Trailhead with restroom facilities and parking available. Connecting trails of:
Upper Grant Trail #65. Upland Trail with Picture Perfect Wildflower Dotted Meadows & Tall Trees
Long Cienega Trail #305. Blue Country Uplands with Many Species of Wildlife to View
Paradise Trail #74. Varied Forest Landscape & Moonshine Park
Horse Ridge Trail #38. Castle Rock & Bell Rock – Impressive Rock Formations Amongst Panoramic Views
Tutt Creek Trail #105. Desert Wildflowers Best in Spring & Home to a Herd of Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep
Alternative trailhead by way of Blue River Road (FR 281), from Blue Crossing Campground travel 30 miles south to the Lower Steeple Trailhead on FR 281.
Winter Skiing Trails – The groomed ski trails at Hannagan Meadow are narrower and generally more challenging than those at Williams Valley. However, all levels of skiers are likely to find suitable skiing from the 14 kilometers of trails. For those in search of solitude, the back-country trails leading into upper elevations of Blue Range Primitive Area provide some of the best remote skiing in the southwest. Skiers who possess advanced skiing abilities and snow camping experience should find this area very rewarding.
It is recommended that skiers in this area obtain the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests’ visitor map from any Forest Service office. Please note that US 191 south of Alpine may not be plowed on evenings, weekends, holidays or during snowstorms. Trail grooming is likely to be delayed following winter storms.
Beaverhead (FR 26) and Black River (Jct. FR 24)
Horse Ridge Trail #38. Castle Rock & Bell Rock – Impressive Rock Formations Amongst Panoramic Views. Hike or horseback ride along this ridge trail to enjoy the marvels of rock formations of Castle Rock and Bell Rock. Moderately difficult 5 mile trail leads its travelers into the Blue Range Primitive Area and connects with Foote Creek Trail #76. Best traveled during May through October. Trailhead is reached by heading east on FR 8282 off the Coronado Trail (US 191), just after Josh Ranch on the west side of the highway. Alternate trailhead is located at the Steeple/Foote Creek Trailhead. Obtain access to the lower portion of Horse Ridge Trail #38 from FR 281. Elevation range of 8,100 to 6,400 feet.
Black River Mainstream Trail #61. Follow Black River from Bear Creek Trail #66 to Buffalo Crossing Campground. Reputed to be one of the most scenic streams in the southwest, this trail is popular for rainbow and brown trout fishing. Hiking, horseback riding and an easy fisherman’s trail are all available. Utilizing Bear Creek Trail #66 as a center point, travelers can connect to Fish Bench/Fish Creek Trails for southwestern expedition or head northwest along the Black River to reach Buffalo Crossing Campground area (currently closed to campers, please check Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest’s website for up-to-date information). Greenlee County boundary line is the Black River in this area. Connecting trails of Fish Bench Trail #320, Fish Creek Trail #60 and Bear Creek Trail #66. Travelers continuing east past the Black River into Apache Reservation must purchase a permit. Please respect their boundaries and law. Coronado Trail (US 191) to FR 26 about 9.5 miles to FR 24. Head southwest on FR 24 1.5 miles to Bear Creek Trail #66 trailhead located on the north side of road.
Fish Bench Trail #320 and Fish Creek Trail #60. 5.5 Mile Hike to confluence of Fish Creek and Black River – Home to the Apache Trout From the Coronado Trail (US 191) take FR 26 9.5 miles to FR 24. Turn right and follow FR 24 to FR 83. Turn right and follow FR 83 for 3 miles to FR 83A, which turns right in about 1.4 miles to a lesser dirt road that forks left. Follow this road about 0.5 miles past the old corral to the #320 trailhead, or proceed 0.6 miles farther to Fish Creek Trail #60.
Red Hill Road (FR 567). Recreation Area East off the Coronado Trail (US 191, MP 239) on Red Hill Road (FR 567) to Blue. P-Bar Lake Trail #326 – Paradise Park and the North-Western Portion of the Blue Range PA. This is a shorter, though steeper, access to the P-Bar Lake and Paradise Park area. East off the Coronado Trail US 191, and marked by a sign for Trail #326.
Red Hill Trail #56. Boasts a Great View of Castle Rock. Connecting trail of Tutt Creek Trail #105. Trailhead offers amenities of parking and two corrals. Access this trailhead with a short one-mile drive east of Beaverhead on Red Hill Road (FR 567) from the Coronado Trail (US 191), then turn south on FR 567B for .4 mile to the trailhead.
Tutt Creek Trailhead (FR 567P). Tutt Creek Trail #105. Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep have been seen on the ridges alongside this moderately difficult 4.2 mile long hiking or horseback riding trail into the Blue Range PA. This year-round trail travels alongside Tutt Creek as it flows in between Deer Mountain and Foote Creek Mesa. Travel around the southeastern basin of Jones Park to reach the northeastern face of Devil’s Washboard at the Foote Creek Trail #76 junction and trail’s terminus. Cleveland Spring provides water for stock at 3.4 miles. Head east off US 191 on Red Hill Road (FR 567) 11 miles to trailhead. Trailhead is located southbound off Red Hill Road, then follow jeep trail (FR 567P) 0.8 of a mile to trailhead parking and the trails junction with Bush Creek.
Near Blue: Pueblo Park Road (FR 232). Bonanza Bill. Located near the village of Blue, east of the Blue River Road (FR 281), take the Pueblo Park Road (FR 232) less then five miles to the Bonanza Bill Trailhead. Bonanza Bill Trailhead (#23) Devil’s Monument & Hell’s Hole This trail travels south through the remote wilderness of the Blue Range PA where black bears, Mexican gray wolves and other wildlife can be seen or traces of evident. Junctions with the following trails:
Tige Rim Trail #90 (north end)Views of the Upper Reaches of Tige Canyon
Hinkle Trail #30Connects Hinkle Springs to Marks Ranch at the Blue River
Tige Rim Trail #90 (south end) Cow Flat Trail #55. Small Falls, Campbell Flat Lake and Historical Bear Valley Cabin. Junctions with Bonanza Bill Trail #23, S Canyon Trail #53, Franz Spring #43, Lanphier Trail #52, WS Lake Trail #54, Little Blue Trail #41 to trail end at Blue River.
Franz Spring Trail #43. Old Line Cabin, WS Lake, WS Mountain, Fire Ridge & Bear Mountain Lookout. Name changes to WS Lake Trail #54 at the Lake to continue and junction with Bear Valley Trail #41 and Largo Trail #39.
Blue Camp Admin. Site Parking is available at this trailhead. Located below the community of Blue on Blue River Road (FR 281). Blue Camp Trailhead provides direct access to the following trails:
South Canyon Trail #53. Follows Blue River Upstream to Marks Ranch. Connecting trails of Marks Ranch Trail and CowFlat Trail #55.
Lanphier Trail #52. Red Rock Pillars and Indian Canyon. Junction with Largo Trail #51 and Cow Flat Trail #55.
Largo Trail #51. Rock Masonry, Bear Mountain & WS Lake Branches off Lanphier Trail #52, Telephone Ridge Shortcut #42 and WS Lake Trail #54.
Foote Creek Trail #76 (eastern end). P-Bar Lake near Trails End. Junction with Tutt Creek Trail #105, Horse Ridge Trail #38 and Grant Creek Trail #75.
Cole Flat lies along the west bank of the Blue River, Cole Flat is the central landmark of Greenlee County’s portion of the Blue Range Primitive.
In the Wild Bunch Recreation Area
Charlie Moore Trailhead (#307). Charlie Moore Mountain at Trails End. Junctions with trail #36. Accessed by traveling southwest past Charlie Moore Place on FR 104A, then southbound FR 8376.
Baseline Trailhead (#310). Baseline Corral at Blue River & Little Blue Creek confluence at Trails End. Junctions with trail #36, #333, #332 and ends at #101. Accessed by traveling west to roads end past Charlie Moore Place on FR 104A.
County Road 008 ends at connection with Charlie Moore Ranch Road (C 834) heading more southwest at the intersection and FR 711 heads northwest to roads end. Park and hike or horseback ride into Stateline Camp located after Stateline and Alma Trailheads.
Stateline Trailhead (#618). Day Hike Loop in Conjunction with Alma Trail #41. Junction to Keller Trail #619 and Alma Trail #41.
Alma Trailhead (#41). Bear Valley, Little Blue Creek and Bear Mountain. Junction to Stateline Trail #618, Cow Flat Trail #55 and trails end at Largo Trail #51.
Stateline Camp is a site that offers corrals for horseback riding excursions into the southern end of the Blue Range Primitive Area. No restroom facilities or other amenities.
Stateline Camp Trailhead (#555). Crosses Little Blue Creek, Dutch Blue Creek, and Winter Cabin. Junction with trails #339, #620, #588 and #55 at trail’s end.
At BlackJack Caqmpground along Hwy 78. Maverick Trailhead (#568). Day Hike to Maverick Hill. Heading north out of Black Jack Campground trail #568 U-turns to head south along White Mule Creek and then the ridge line to Maverick Hill.
In the Gila Lower Box Wilderness Study Area
The Gila River is accessible throughout this five-mile long, up to 600 feet deep river cut canyon. Access these outdoor-enthusiast attractions by heading northeast of Duncan on Old West Highway 70 to Fuller Road. Heading northwest onto White Rock Canyon Road from Fuller Road, gains access to the Gila Lower Box WSA trails and Fisherman’s Point at the gravel road’s end.
Sixteen miles east on US 70 from Duncan, head northeast on Fuller Road (near New Mexico US 70 MP 10). Reaching Fisherman’s point requires a high-clearance vehicle and 4WD is recommended as rain causes washes and ruts to deepen. BLM rules, regulations and tips for preparation of a self-guided tour of Fisherman’s Point can be found at https://www.blm.gov/nm/st/en/prog/recreation/las_cruces/gila_lower_box.html
Fisherman’s Point and White Rock Canyon are known for castle-like sheer rock walls and pillar rock formations found by way of following the course of the Gila River west of Fisherman’s Point. Access the Gila River Canyon via Fisherman’s Point for an enchanting experience to reach White Rock Canyon and beyond.

Cottonwood Canyon is locally well known for its amazing historical Indian petroglyphs, wonders that have withstood the test of time here in the high desert for centuries. Access Cottonwood Canyon where it joins the Gila River Canyon below Canador Peak for views of these writings.