Can you picture driving North on the U S 191 San Francisco River Bridge? As you glance to the right, you are surprised to see a crowd gathered under the palm trees on the sandy beach. They are cheering a local youth showing off as he stands atop his kayak surfing through the rapids.
It is quite a sight, and just a couple years ago, none of it was possible. Thanks to the procurement of some grant money, a group of determined local citizens (you?), and a vision of prosperous new businesses, Greenlee’s County seat is becoming a destination. A small bakery, micro-brew, popular new restaurant(s), what a change. For years, the FMI crowd could not wait to escape to someplace to play.
With a local aquatic playground, a zip-line, gift shop(s), and others coming in to play, it has been amazing how fast Clifton spruced up.
What about us? All of the above is within our reach. Others have done it, and are willing to advise us. Why not us? Why not now? The Greenlee County Tourism Council is planning a community-wide show-an-tell complete with food, refreshments, and a solid plan ready to be populated. If you don’t or won’t pitch in and get involved nothing will change. We are really hoping to see you there!