OCTOBER EVENTS For more complete information see the Discover Greenlee Newsletter | October 2024 UPCOMING EVENTS: For inclusion in next month’s newsletter, send events to margaret@margaretdillard.net   Please send complete info: name of event, where and when it will be held, brief description (or better yet, send a PDF ofContinue Reading

bighorn sheep

Ok, we do not have tigers. But we do have lions and bears plus Big Horn Sheep, and lots of wild animal diversity. Our population of wolves has grown and birding continues to grow partially due to favorable access to fresh water. Greenlee County boasts 5 rivers that run throughoutContinue Reading

No need for a plane, train, or bus

Although you can take your pick of your preferred mode of transportation to reach Greenlee County, the most ‘important part’ of this article is to provide you enough of a ‘taste’ of Greenlee to assure you the trip is worth every minute!Continue Reading

Call for Articles + New Tourism Council members = an Opportunity to Grow the Tourism Council with some new faces and new helpers!  We have had some recent success in adding new members, but there is still a lot of work to be accomplished. Even more exciting is to watch newContinue Reading

By Akos Kovach | Vice Chair GCTC This subject comes up often, and several groups and others have tried to combine the Tourism Council with the local Chamber. But here is why we have separate organizations: The general objectives of every chamber of commerce are as follows: A Tourism CouncilContinue Reading

Thanks to the procurement of some grant money, a group of determined local citizens (you?), and a vision of prosperous new businesses, Greenlee’s County seat is becoming a destination. Continue Reading