This play (written by Pam Harrington) treated the history of Clifton with respect and humor. Elements of fact were woven into fantasy which also emulates this intriguing place we call home. The characters were well developed, the audience was given an opportunity to connect or disconnect with each character, and bonus – a meal served while being thoroughly entertained! To each of you – congratulations for an outstanding performance!

So glad we were privileged to be in the audience with the laughter, the superlative costumes, the excellent acting and wonderful ambiance.
Three cheers to the Production of the Clifton Climax play put on by the Art Depot @ the Clifton Train Station. This amazing group just put Clifton on the map for a new reason – Community Theatre.
Who knew we had so much stage aptitude, opera quality singer, actors, musical expertise, stage design and overall creativity!?
From the moment you entered the ‘stage’ you were taken back to an era of hoop skirts, party-line wall phones, intrigue and drama. The walls were covered, the windows were shrouded, and the actors stayed in character until the final mystery was solved.We hope this troupe will offer an encore presentation, this was truly a noteworthy performance at every level.
The table servers, the turn-of-the-century ambiance, the skills of the performers from opera, to violin, gun slinging and comedy – this demonstration of what a small group of dedicated people can do when put to the test was remarkable.
Thank you to the Art Depot Theatre troupe – each and everyone of you were believable, engaging and entirely entertaining – THANK YOU!!!