Congratulations to Steve Ahmann, the Chairman of the San Francisco River Revitalization Plan – Kick Off Event!
Through thick and thin Steve led several people through the arduous process of organizing such a major activity. And -bonus- there were some volunteers who not only stepped up but also excelled at how they helped create a Huge Family-friendly event for everyone to enjoy.
For example Will Collins took the helm of the Kite Flying Activity and by any measure Will soared higher than the kites. Erin Spears led the entertainment committee, and again – everybody who came yesterday was impressed with the entertainment.
The Town of Clifton brought in and setup the stage, plus brought in several wooden framed booth spaces which were filled by amazing volunteer vendors. And that is where Cat Heller championed the Vendor Committee. Each and every vendor had a story to tell. Amazing products like bonsai trees, services, art classes, crafts, dance classes and much more.
Personally, I look forward to every Mares Bluff Memorial Freedom Burger event. But yesterday’s Freedom Burgers where simply outstanding! Kudos to Steve Guzzo, Armando Carrillo, Larry Avila and the entire Freedom Burger Team for supporting this special Kick Off event with your delicious burgers.
We had hoped to attract an audience of 150 people, personally I lost count after 225. And thanks to singing powerhouse Zaylie Windsor and the performances by the hosts of TV show Bluegrass Ridge, all the way from North Carolina – Nu Blu. This young group epitomized the term: ‘the show must go on’. Despite incredible obstacles and rare mechanical difficulties, all the visitors, vendors and volunteers were treated to some skilled musicians on banjo, mandolin, guitar and bass – and with harmonizing at the highest professional level Nu Blu played on, even with equipment failure.
So back to Steve Ahmann, Philip Ronnerud, Kindle Spears, Natasha Wilson, Barbara Waddell, Karen Frye Pam Harrington and Barbara Ahmann – the KickOff was a major success and truly helps lay a strong foundation of community support.
If you have not joined the Greenlee Tourism Council yet, please do!