You have cabin fever but only have one day to see or do something “special” – Greenlee County offers you the answer!

On any given day, groups of Corvettes, Porsches, Harleys, Gold Wings, and sports car clubs flock to Greenlee County for one of two mountain tours with lots of curves and incredible scenery.

A short run, chosen by many, is the Blackjack Hill Climb, also nicknamed The Mule Creek Run. Take Highway 78 from Three Way, Arizona and head East, you cruise by the Greenlee Airport into high desert country. But very soon your adventure begins as the ever increasingly windy twisty route delivers you into the Apache National  Forest.

Plenty of picnic areas along the way with outdoor restrooms,picnic tables, tall trees and cool breezes. The 25 mile run beginning at Three Way ends up in Mule Creek, NM. Sometimes those on a tight schedule turn around and drive back, while others choose the extra fun drive on US 180 north through some excellent villages and sight-seeing opportunities until you reach Alpine, Az.

At Alpine you take SR 191 south on the Coronado Trail (designated as a National Scenic Byway).

This drive takes you through the highest elevations in Greenlee (exceeding 9,000 feet), lots of wildlife, birding, lots of scenic turnouts with restrooms and over 460 curves. The hairpin twists are among the favorite turns on the road.

Spend a few hours with us – or stay a while, Greenlee County Hospitality is legendary!

by Ákos Kovach | GTA Board Member