Thank you for your help in making the Kick Off Event on Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2023 for the San Francisco River Revitalization Plan a huge success.

Many participated to the success of the event. A sincere thank you goes out to every individual who helped and to those who answered our survey. We appreciation Public Works and the Inmates who leveled the gravel in the area between the Splash Park and the Soccer Field, their delivery and setup of the stage, the booths, the tables and chairs that you so graciously provided for the event. Thank you to Clifton City Council and staff for the use of the Splash Park restrooms. Thank You.

A special thank you goes to Arthur, thank you for helping us after the event on Friday, to secure the city’s tables and chairs within the locked and secure fence of the Splash Park.

The Kick-Off Event was intended to raise community awareness about the San Francisco River Revitalization Plan. We created a survey and received responses to three questions:

  1. What Activities would you like to see in the Clifton Corridor of the San Francisco River?
  2. What Concerns you about Activities along the Clifton SFR Corridor?
  3. DREAM BIG, what would make you proud to live in Clifton.

A favorite among those who answered question 1. was safe access to beach and picnic areas. When asked about concerns many were concerned with trash, litter and pollution. While there was no clear consensus about question three the general emphasis was that community members want a safe, clean environment with more family-friendly activities and business growth.