Tourism Council Newsletter Advertising Rates for Non-Members


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Tourism Council Newsletter Rate sheet


All advertising must relate to Tourism Council activities or events in Calendar of events.

(In other words, the newsletter is produced to focus positive attention on our County, towns, and regional area. As a benefit to businesses and organizations that are Tourism Council members fees are reduced. To grow Tourism Council membership non members can also place ads, as long as somewhere in the ad there is a reference to an upcoming event or activity found in the Discover Greenlee calendar of events.

For example:

Rainforest Plants LLC wishes to place a ¼ page ad in the April issue, Rainforest presents their ad copy / content AND adds “Welcome Clifton Hill Climb drivers and spectators!”

Questions? Please email us at


All pages are based on 8 ½ X 11 format.

Deadline for ads:  4th Friday of each month.

Electronic publishing on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) and via email through Mailchimp on or before the 3rd day of each month.

Advertising space is limited. Submit requests early to properly accommodate spaced required.

Submit High resolution jpg’s, pdf’s  in full color or black and white

Business card sized ads   submit your business to get things started.

Additional information

GTC Ad Rates - Non-members

Business Card, 1/4 page, 1/2 page, 3/4 page, Full page