Submitted by Scott Brack

Greenlee County is an active place.  Situated in a gorgeous part of the country with rivers, high deserts, mountains and forests, we’re ideally suited for adventures.  The residents of Greenlee County take full advantage of these natural gifts.  Passions like hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, biking, climbing, horse riding, tubing, swimming and four wheeling are prevalent among our community.

Not everyone has been able to enjoy these activities, though.  I’m confident that you have friends that have never participated in whatever passion you have.  Reach out to them!  Spread your joy within the community – recruit your tribe! 

Do trails need to be cleaned up?  Take a shovel and sheers the next time you hike with friends.  Do someone’s inner tubes need to be patched so they can play in the river?  Help them out.  Does a youth need to go to hunter safety?  Sponsor them.  Do you have another horse?  See if a buddy who hasn’t ridden is interested.  Does a friend have a mountain bike that they haven’t used in a while?  See if they need help with some maintenance to get it going again.  Heading out in your Jeep?  Fill that extra seat with someone who’s never been.

Help develop your favorite activity more thoroughly and then broadcast it outside the community, too.  Attract others to share what you love.  Leverage your broader networks to make new friends and help them experience the amazing place that is Greenlee County.