by Akos Kovach 

Whether you wear hiking boots, cowboy/cowgirl boots or hybrid walking boots Greenlee has the ground you want to cover. Trails along the river? We got ‘em! (Frisco Float & Trail) Prefer a trail that takes you to a destination? Yes, have those, too. (Mares Bluff Veteran’s Memorial) A walk in the park? Oh yes! Plenty of those – Centennial Park in Duncan, Sidebottom Park in Clifton, Hannagan Meadow trails and many more including some amazing views from Blackjack Trails. 

Frankly, even in this digital age, reaching ‘our audience’ is increasingly difficult. But we keep casting the promotional net, ask our members and vendors to share posts, and in general practice social media Sharing, tagging and co-promoting. 

Here’s the thing – it takes more than a village to reach out to help potential visitors, guests and tourists to Visit Greenlee.  

Currently the next Big Fun event is the Clifton Hill Climb, a sanctioned Timed race on the winding Ward Canyon Road. Drive it yourself, then picture a race car on the same hairpin curves and short straightaways hitting over 100 mph! 

Our new drone operator and new on-site IT / Announcer / live video producer will be broadcasting from the starting line, who is racing, race times, drivers, and more. 

And none of this can come together without the help of volunteers. Flaggers, docents, gophers, tourism booth staffers and other positions are still open. 

Please, if you would like to help in turning this into the best Hill Climb ever, contact us on Facebook or via email:

Join the fun, starting Thursday April 28th,  4-8 pm at the Clifton Hotel; All day Friday April; 29th at the Race Paddock ( Ward Canyon baseball fields ) and then Race day 1 Saturday April 30th from 9 am to 4 pm; followed by the Clifton Hill Climb Race Parade starting at 5:30 (staging at the Canyonlands Healthcare parking lot) going up Coronado Boulevard, past the Bridges over the Frisco, around the bend at the Historic Clifton Train Depot – ending at the American legion Parking Lot for the autograph party, Driver/Race Car Meet & Greet from 6 pm to 7 pm.  

Sunday racing starts again at 9 am and runs until the SCCA has given all drivers an opportunity to improve their race times. Ending around 4 pm. With the Award Banquet being held at the American Legion – big meal – big fun – awards and presentations. 

Our 2022 Race brochure is a collectors item, only a limited number will be published. Space will be made for Driver autographs, Hill Climb Queen autograph, and others you want to have sign your Race Brochure. You are invited!   Akos Kovach